My Photo Studio

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Me and Keno and Mini Sue at the beach by our cottage in Caseville, Sept., 2010

Oh No!...Hubby is gonna throw Keno into the brink!

Keno and Mini Sue sitting by the doorwall at the cottage waiting for their Ma to come home....cause that's what they do when I'm gone

Diane by the Cheeseburger Bus, 2010

Keno wearing his parrot costume for Cheeseburger in Caseville, 2010

One of my favorite sand sculptures during the sand/castle sculpture contest during the Cheeseburger festival...."a sleeping baby elephant"

Finally remembered to take a picture of my deck but after I took down alot of my Cheeseburger decorations...


  • At 3:54 PM, Blogger witlady said…

    I love all your new photos, you dressed in pink... it should have been a pig roast instead of a cheeseburger festival. Don't take this personal. lol

  • At 3:59 PM, Blogger said…

    Hi Diane how you doing? Great pics how did you get all those feathers on keno? Live,Love, and be Happy!

  • At 1:55 AM, Blogger Diane said…

    Flamingoes are PINK...LOLOL

    Keno's feathers were sewn on a white doggie t-shirt. I had to sew them all on one by one. I made it for Mini Sue a couple years ago and made Keno wear it this year..LOL


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